NATEA-SV Career Meetup 職涯小聚 – Master Your Career
Sign up link: https://events.humanitix.com/natea-sv-master-your-career
NATEA-SV Career Meetup 職涯小聚 – Master Your Career
Event description
Mark your calendar!
北美台灣工程師協會(NATEA) 矽谷分會將舉辦2024年的第一次線上Career Meetup!
本活動邀請矽谷業界young professionals,分享求職與領域轉換過程中的酸甜苦辣,以及如何在充滿挑戰的環境中找到屬於自己獨一無二的職涯!本活動將由座談方式進行,會後開放與會者networking 交流時間,歡迎大家一起來認識新朋友!
North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association (NATEA) Silicon Valley welcomes you to our first virtual career meetup event in 2024!
We’re bringing together our board members and young professionals to share their job-seeking journeys. This gathering is designed to equip you with the insights and mindsets crucial for mastering your career transition in the tech industry. Whether you’re pivoting your career path, transitioning from academia to industry, or simply enhancing your job-seeking strategies, this event is tailored just for you.
Featuring panel discussions and networking sessions, join us to unlock the secrets to career success and take the next step in your professional journey!
Event Time
5/02 (四) 7 PM – 8:30 PM 美西時間 | 10 PM – 11:30 PM 美東時間
5/03 (五) 10 AM – 11:30 AM 台灣時間
Event Content
- 科技業如何轉換領域? How to Pivot Your Career in the Tech Industry?
- 學術界進業界,如何跨出第一步? How to Transition from an Academic Background to Industry Work?
- 新鮮人的當今市場求職策略 Job Seeking Strategies for New-graduates in Today’s Market
Event Highlights
- 業界人士經驗分享 Professional Speaker Sharing
- 論壇互動討論 Interactive Learning
- 與各行各業與會者的交流機會 Networking Opportunities
Target Audience
- 考慮轉換跑道的你 Professionals looking to transition into the tech industry
- 考慮進入業界的學術研究者 Researchers with an academic background hoping to enter the industry
- 正在面臨求職的職場新鮮人 Employed individuals or recent graduates seeking to enhance their job competitiveness