NATEA believes that gender should not be a constraint when it comes to achieving personal goals. Today more than ever, we want to empower women to be free in making their own choices. To support and echo International Women’s Day’s 2022 initiative to #BreakTheBias, we are proud to present NATEA’s 2nd annual Women’s Summit this March.
On March 25, 2022 (California time), female leaders in Tech and Education will share their experiences in hopes to provide examples of how women can, and should, be free to choose their paths at work and at home. #FreeToChoose
Come join us for insightful discussions and an opportunity to network!
為響應 2022 國際婦女節的主題「打破偏見 #BreakTheBias」,北美台灣工程師協會(NATEA)將於 3 月 25 日周五舉辦第二屆女力論壇。今年的論壇主題為「自由選擇 #FreeToChoose」,活動邀請在生命的不同階段的女性講者,分享她們擔任管理職、創業、成為母親,其中如何作出生涯與職涯選擇並活出自己的人生經驗!